Airplane Spotters and a few A380 pics
Plane Spotting is a popular hobby that’s been around for years and yet a lot of people haven’t heard about it. Plane spotters love to watch airplanes. You’ll find them hanging out near airports or […]
Plane Spotting is a popular hobby that’s been around for years and yet a lot of people haven’t heard about it. Plane spotters love to watch airplanes. You’ll find them hanging out near airports or […]
Back in 1976 some guys cooked up a publicity stunt involving a guy dressed up as the Amazing Human Fly standing on top of an airplane. Sure, wing walkers have been around since the days […]
An interesting part of flying for an airline is “jumpseating” (or “deadheading”) to and from work. Jumpseating is the airline equivalent of hitch-hiking. As a professional courtesy, air carrier pilots are allowed to hitch a […]
This video is spreading in typical viral fashion. In case you haven’t seen it, it’s just awesome. In December of 1968, the crew of Apollo 8 was orbiting the moon and became the first humans […]
I asked my wife if she had any ideas for an article. She said, “You know, I really don’t know how you find your way from one city to another.” “Great,” I thought, “an article […]
On December 17, 1903, at 10:35 am, Orville Wright successfully flew the first powered aircraft. The flight distance was 120 feet (37 m) and lasted 12 seconds. The top speed was only 6.8 miles per […]
The Jeppesen company is no stranger to developing custom aeronautical maps and approach charts for airlines. In 2013, they had a very special request from Santa. Ole St. Nick needed a new, state-of-the-art approach chart […]
Time lapse virtuoso Sean Goebel produced a stunning video of the Mauna Kea, Hawaii observatories in action. Two and a half minutes of pure enjoyment. Filming the feature took Sean seven nights over several months. […]
[Updated: Feb, 2015] I fly for a large package express company. Cargo airlines are a bit of a mystery to the general public. Everyone is familiar with passenger airlines; it’s hard to find someone who hasn’t taken […]
Happy Thanksgiving! I’m always fascinated by how stuff is made. An AVweb editor recently toured Sensenich‘s prop factory in Plant City, Florida. He produced a short video of the manufacturing process. Sensenich uses state-of-the-art, computer controlled equipment to […]