Pilot Life

Jumpseating on a 747

An interesting part of flying for an airline is “jumpseating” (or “deadheading”) to and from work. Jumpseating is the airline equivalent of hitch-hiking. As a professional courtesy, air carrier pilots are allowed to hitch a […]

Odds & Ends

How Wooden Props Are Made

Happy Thanksgiving! I’m always fascinated by how stuff is made. An AVweb editor recently toured Sensenich‘s prop factory in Plant City, Florida. He produced a short video of the manufacturing process. Sensenich uses state-of-the-art, computer controlled equipment to […]


Look up in the sky… Contrails!

Contrails are an aviation/weather phenomena so common we take them for granted. Ever wondered how they are formed? Why do some contrails look different from others? Read on for a short, simplified-for-dummies lesson on contrail […]